Friday, September 25, 2009

Recent Trip to Boston

Home to some of our nation's most interesting history, Boston is both modern and historic. Not to mention a few of the greatest sports teams ever assembled (but I won't get into that). T and I made a trip back East, hit up the sites, saw some friends and family and even a got a little R&R. Here are a couple of my favs:

We went on a guided tour of the Freedom Trail - here's the Old Granary Burying Ground, final resting spot of a few of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. We also stopped in a pub across the street and had a nice cold Sam Adams while we could see Sam Adams' grave - might have been the best part of our day...

Thanks for looking,
- Randall


  1. Spectacular as always. They can't all be in New England though.


  2. Sure they are - Boston and the landscapes are up at Halibut Point.
