Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Dilemma to Dye For | Bridal Shoes

Boston Wedding Photographers  |  Bridal Shoes Monthly Spotlight

A Dilemma to Dye For

Do you have the perfect color scheme for your wedding, or damn near perfect. (Please excuse my colorful language.) Often the hues you choose for your wedding can really shape your day. Colors set moods, they can brighten your day or accidentally blind your guests (hopefully not the latter). I digress.

If you are like me, close doesn't always cut the mustard. Sometimes I can't leave the house if my shoes don't match my outfit (Randall can vouch for this). I have to march my butt back up stairs and change items of clothing until my shoes match.

Quirky side note - I like to choose the shoes I am going to wear before I choose the outfit.

If you are going bold, out of season, or just off the charts, you may find it difficult to locate shoes that match your dress or heaven forbid the bridesmaids dresses…insert sound effects here - dun dun dun. Dye-able shoes might be the route for you.

A couple of quick notes about dye-able wedding shoes:

1) They don't always come out like promised. (Have no fear, not like a bad new hairdresser, you can go buy another pair.)

2) If it is hot, they could run off on you. (I will hold the puns on this one, not funny). But seriously, I have seen this happen, and blue feet are only justifiable if the shoes are too tight on your toes. Not a big problem if you do not change into a second pair of shoes part way through the day.

3) You don't always have to dye a dye-able shoe, if it matches go with it. Beware that sometimes (not always, as seen in the below image) the dye-able shoes are super super white and in the daylight they can appear blue white. A change most dresses don't see under daylight. Like any good astronaut, test, test, test.

We recently had a bride with these wonderful Coloriffics platforms. She did not dye them, no need. Good thing too, because it turned out to be a muggy day.

Shoes are a cause worth dyeing for if it makes the outfit!  Here's 3 variations on a theme...

More on all things related to Bridal Shoes next month!!

- Theresa

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