Monday, March 5, 2012

Bridal Shoes | Mole Skin On Your Skin

Bridal Shoes | Mole Skin On Your Skin

Have you ever tried on the perfect pair of shoes but they rub just a little no matter what you do? You go a half size up and then down but the shoes just keep getting you in that one spot? It happens to me all the time. Don’t tell me it doesn’t happen to you and you own a pair of ballet flats (if they don’t rub when they are brand new, please give me the brand and style and I will go buy them, now...).

I’m not sure what it is about flats but they rub me the wrong way. Blisters. I was in the subway the other day and I saw a woman with some cute ballet flats and then I saw it. A Band-aid. She had a Band-aid on her heel, but half of it had come off and was flopping around. This is sort of gross, so if you want to stop reading I understand… but now imagine it’s your wedding day and that Band-aid is flopping around!

Have no fear, you can just put mole skin on your foot instead of the Band-aid! Eww, right? A moles skin, how do they even get it off the moles? Are the moles hurt? Okay, I’m joking. Mole skin is synthetic in the form I’m talking about.  It has a sticky side and a soft side. The sticky side can go on your skin, stays for a while and is a neutral flesh tone. If it’s hot don’t put it on your skin, most likely won’t stick for very long.  Solution – put it on the shoe. It stays there for a while, kind of too long if they are a favorite pair of shoes… it can get dirty. 

Speaking of comfy ballet flats, check out Ruthanne’s favorite flats, they doubled as her wedding shoes too! What’s better than wearing your favorite pair of shoes on your wedding day? Okay, a lot of other things might be better. Simple pleasures my friends.

- Theresa, self-titled shoe fashionista

Thanks for reading another monthly installment of all things Bridal Shoes! Check back soon for more adventures in the life of amazing bridal shoes and the gorgeous brides that wear them.

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